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Fusion Student Ministries is a partnership between First Lutheran, Faith Lutheran, Federated and Trinity Cyrus churches, but is open to ALL area youth in grades 6th-12th. Grades 6-8 meet in Element, while grades 9-12 meet in Sr. Fusion.  Check us out on Facebook and Instagram:  @Fusion56267


Heather Black is our Youth Director.She can be reached at


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Element: Jr High Ministry

Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm at FIRST Lutheran

I would like to introduce you to a new program that has been created specifically for the 6th-8th graders in our churches! Element is a joining of Confirmation and Fusion Youth: the best of both worlds.


Element Information Packet with schedules, registration and permission/health forms can be found by clicking HERE.


Learning the elements of your faith in a fun and engaging space!  This has been a collaboration between the pastors, myself and with the blessing of the various church councils! We are super excited to start Element!  


Element will be held Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm. Starting the end of September and running through mid-May at First Lutheran Church. 



Fusion: Sr. High Youth Ministry

Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm at FIRST Lutheran Church

Our goal for Sr. High youth is to provide a place to learn about Jesus, connect with friends, have a place to be open and real and just have fun! We have amazing volunteers ready to mentor and engage the youth in a small group style of ministry!




Click on links below

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