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Worship Servants


Worship servants are those that help during worship, with duties such as ushering, greeters, communion preparers and communion servers, acolytes, nuserty attendants and videographers.  If you would like to help out in one or more of these areas, please contact the church office.

Service Groups


The Service Group booklet contains rotation schedules and all worship servant duties.  Please contact the church office at 320-589-3242 with any questions, or if you would like us to mail you a copy of this booklet.  A special thank you to our honorary members who have been instrumental in the foundation of service at First Lutheran Church. God Bless You! 



Time & Talent


We each need to ask ourselves, how has God blessed me?  Everything we have is a gift from God.  Stewardship asks us to give back in loving care and service what was first given us.  As members of First Lutheran Church our pledge is a reflection of who we are as children of God. Our giving reflects the abundance that He has given us.  Stewardship  is not about money as much as it is about how we live our lives; how we live out the call that God has for us.


Please complete the enclosed time and talent survey, and return to the church office.





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